Partner with us
Sponsorship of the Anishinaabe Art Festival offers significant philanthropic and marketing opportunities both locally and nationwide. This nationally promoted Art Festival will allow you to align your brand with compelling events that have memorable visual impact while producing benefits you can tailor to your specific needs.
To reserve your partnership with the Anishinaabe Art Festival, please make check payable to: 4-Directions Development - AAF in the amount of your preferred sponsorship level and mail to: P.O. Box 1020, Red Lake, MN 56671.
Name on Event Program
Name on Festival Map
Name on Event Website
​ Includes all Turtle Sponsorship Level Benefits
Sponsorship Presence on Social Media
Sponsor Board at One Activity Location
​ Includes all Bear Sponsorship Level Benefits
Sponsor Board at Two Activity Locations
A Link from Our Website to Yours
Sponsor Announcements during Festival
​ Includes all Crane Sponsorship Level Benefits
Large Sponsor Banner at Festival Entrance
Sponsor Announcements on Radio Ads
VIP Access Badge